I want to marry a man loaded with $$$ so that I can travel the world with him. I'm dead serious okay. Travelling around the world is one wish that I most definitely must fulfill before I die. Men, to me, fall into different classifications. Listed here are those of which I can think of right now.
1. Someone whom you just want to have a fling and hot sex with because he's fucking gorgeous and has a hot body. For example, Calvin Klein's underwear models fall into this category.
2. The bad "boy" type who rides bikes,smokes,drinks all the time and hangs out till the wee hours of the morning.
3. The gentleman. Usually average to good looking. Holds a degree, rather accomplished in work/life.
4. The nerdy guy who wears a completely different personality after work.
5. The men in uniform. They range from policemen to pirates. (meh,wishful thinking)
6. The guy who gave up his good paying job for doing something he has a passion in. For example, volunteering. Like working for doctors without borders instead of in a well reputed private hospital.
7. The guy who is in a rock band, hoping to make it big one day, but is still holding on to his day time job for now.
8. The heck-care, slacker guy who thinks that he has no future and bums around in his house the whole day aka the loser.
9. The businessman. High-flying job. Maybe an entrepreneur. Good taste in good food and wine. Version 1, will be the stuck up rich guy. Version 2, will be the down-to-earth man.
10. The sweet talking flirtatious guy who hits on girls in clubs, bars and social gatherings. There are different scenarios for this. Scenario 1, he's already married or in a long-term relationship aka cheater. Scenario 2, no strings attached;he just wants you for sex sex sex. Scenario 3, changes his girlfriend every fortnight.
11. The boy next door type. Generally has a good attitude, nice personality and stuff. His mother dotes on him and he's a good brother to his siblings.
12. The man whom you can see yourself being in a long-term relationship with. He's confident, carries himself well and intellegent.
13. The still studying guy, hoping to make it big one day aka student and doesn't fit into any of the categories above because he doesn't have a full-time job yet.
I'll update my list when I think of more.So, if you're a guy reading this, which category do you think you'll fit into? If its none of them, what type of guy are you?